Chapter 3: Friction

So we’ve decided on TTP (Time-to-publish. Read chapter 2 for details) as our KPI. That’s all well and good, but now we have to make good on what that actually means. In our case it means reducing “user-platform friction”, or just “friction” in short.

So, what exactly is user friction? In the realm of digital experiences, friction refers to any obstacle or hindrance that interrupts the user's journey towards their desired outcome. Reducing friction and finding the path of least resistance had a profound impact on the UX and the UI we have chosen.

I want to cover some basics ideas we take into account while designing our website:

  1. Simplify Navigation: we wanted to make sure the site’s navigation is intuitive. So we opt for very clear labels (they don’t necessarily have to be the shortests labels possible.  We chose a logical and intuitive structure for the site and the necessary menus. Simpler frictionless navigation is all about fewer clicks to your goals, so flat menus (as long as they aren’t too long - are best).
  2. Simple text editors: we used the simplest text editor we could come with. We intentionally decided to constrain our users and prevent them from having a huge range of editing choices. Less options means faster TTP.
  3. Optimise Load Times: Users expect pages to load swiftly. So Oron has implemented a mechanism to optimise images, leverage browser caching, and minimise HTTP requests to enhance your site’s speed.
  4. Streamline Forms: Only ask for essential information. The less you ask your user for information - the less friction it creates. In our case - early registration just requires an email and to actually start using the site - a simple Google SSO was our registration method of choice. 
  5. Clear Calls-to-Action: always make it obvious what you want the user to do next. 
  6. Mobile Responsiveness: With the increasing use of mobile devices, we had to ensure our website is responsive and touch-friendly.

Prioritising reduction of friction has affected our website design. We believed that this approach would ultimately create a more efficient path to value for our users. In turn, this leads to higher satisfaction, increased engagement, and better conversion rates. As we continue to develop PageKid, our focus remains steadfast on providing a seamless, frictionless platform that empowers users to create web effective pages effortlessly and quickly. That’s the value we focused on.


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To be continued…