About PageKid

About PageKid

Welcome. PageKid is a free dynamic platform that empowers users to effortlessly and quickly create web pages without the need for coding or design expertise. It’s the fastest single-page website builder out there.

Why PageKid

PageKid was born out of a simple need: what can you do if you want to publish a single webpage quickly. There are plenty of web-builders out there, and we have tried them all: Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, Shopify, Webflow, Wordpress, site123, google sites and more. These platforms offer a friendly interface to create whole website with many features and design options. From templates to complex tools for e-commerce and customer management. 

After trying all these we could find one that would enable us to publish a single page in less that 5 minutes.

So we set out to design a platform that would address this exact need, and set a very ambitious goal: can we create a “One MInute to publish” webpage builder. 

Who we are

PageKid is the brainchild of Lee and Oron, two longtime friends with complementary skill sets. While Lee is a marketer at heart with extensive experience in marketing, sales and User Experience, Oron is a master programmer with a wide range of skills. 

Get Started Today:

Do you need a page up and running in less than 5 minutes? Sign up for a free account and start editing your webpage with PageKid today.